Peak Climbing in Nepal is the best mountaineering activity available in Nepal. Before embarking in the expedition climbing helps in proper exercise. Nepal Hiking Himalaya offers enchanting itinerary and safety climbing crew for the exquisite Climbing in Nepal.
Government of Nepal permitted around 33 peaks for the peak climbing. Most of the expedition starts with the peak climbing. There are various trekking peaks offering awesome wilderness adventure activities. Island Peak, Mera Peak, Pisang Peak, Yala Peak, Lobuche Peak and Chulu West are popular peaks for the climbing.
Very experienced and skillful Sherpa and supporting crew members and high graded equipments of Nepal Hiking Himalaya ensure the safety during such an adventurous peak climbing. Trekking peaks offers the enchanting experience of the trekking as well as semi mountaineering experience.
Some of the peaks require the extreme mountaineering training while some peaks are very easy for the ascending so it doesn’t require the climbing training. For example if you are seeking to feel the mountain madness via peak climbing then Island Peak can be best for you.
Most of the first time climbers choose the Island Peak for the start of the mountaineering career. Either as a hobby or as a profession before embarking on the higher mountains the experience of scaling these peaks which are below the height of 7000 meters is required.
The best part of the Climbing in Nepal is that it coincides with the Nepal trekking. If you have to trek any of these peaks just have adventurous feeling and willingness to conquer the beast. The route taking you to the base camp of the peak falls under any of the trekking in Nepal region.
Nepal Hiking Himalaya offers the best and high quality equipment, highly skilled Sherpa and guides along with the assurance of safety. Book with us and start your mountaineering dream right now.