What is the exact price of doing Everest Base Camp Trek? There are numerous prices on market. Trekkers get in dilemma over the right pricing. It is very important to get the right price for your trip. Therefore, the blog tries to breakdown the cost of Everest Base Camp Trek. Get all information about best price for Everest Base Camp Trek.
Investment in travel is investment in you. It is so satisfying statement. However, you need to invest wisely. Hard earned money shouldn’t go to waste. Read the following information before trekking to Everest Base Camp.
Average package price for Everest Base Camp Trek is 1280 $ (full inclusive). If you are searching for the standard services in best rate, it is an ideal price.
Here are the includes and excludes lists of services that you get in this price.
These are includes and excludes of regular Everest Trekking. However, you can get extra services too. Choose luxury Everest Trekking package. It provides you more services. The package includes attach rooms and food during the trek. Price range of EBC Trek starts from 1100 $ to 1600 $.
You can do service trek as well. As an experienced trekking guide also, I recommend you to take full inclusive package. Everest region is very crowded. You need to be sure about your lodging and food. Don’t take risk while doing Everest trekking.
Check out our blog about Everest. You can find do’s and don’ts as well.